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Chee Siew Chong
Lee Wei Hoong
Loong Ji Xian
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Newsletter V12
FUNDRAISING ~ Appeal for Donation

Appeal for generous donation

The operation of the training centre incurs cost which have been growing significantly as we enhance and expand the activities and programmes of the centre. The centre suffers from financial deficit every month.

For the betterment of the autistic children in the centre, the committee has been actively finding various ways to source support and donation from public and various parties. In view of this, we would like pledge to the public for the generous contribution. Your support and contribution will greatly encourage us and the children with autism.

Please download, print and fill in the donation form and send back to us, or direct bank in to PPLKA HUA MING WPKL & SEL; CIMB BANK: 8003488251


All Donations are Income Tax Exempted

Ref. No: LHDN.01/35/42/51/179-6.8240

Tarikh Kuatkuasa: 01.12.2022 hingga 30.11.2027

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